How to work with this material
(The training program has been developed and tested in reality by people like yourself: professionals from 5 countries who work with young children placed outside home – in child care institutions and foster families. A lot of scientific results and child development psychology are part of the program and this knowledge has been transformed into practical advice and video demonstrations of good advice, suggestions and practices. Between each session, the staff decides on exercising in practice what they learned during a session. All this learning is only useful if it is used in your everyday work, and as staff and instructor you plan together how to change your practices as you go through the program. The instructor has a handbook for all sessions, he or she is responsible for presenting the material and conduct the discussions, but only the staff can make it reality in your daily professional practice. That is why work between sessions is so important. In the start of each session, you choose a secretary or referee who writes down in short phrases what has been discussed and decided by staff and instructor, and what the practical tasks are before the next session. The people who made this program do not know everything, and particularly they don’t know you and your workplace. So this is not something you just learn and do, the staff and instructor must make their own choices and find their own models for practice along the way. We hope this responsibility will make you feel your job as more interesting, and sometimes also a little more difficult. As a staff member, you are expected to:
DISCUSSION Please discuss in the group for 15 minutes now:
(Many of the questions you may have will find a solution as you work along together – you don’t have to have all answers now.) |