Evaluating the development of cooperation and changes in care during the training

For the work with the rest of this session, please appoint a secretary, who writes down the statements and thoughts presented.


30 minutes

The leader gives his or her reflections on the three goals that were set up for improving cooperation after answering the Scorecard at the start of the training –for example by reflecting on these questions:

  • How can we characterize the changes in working climate in the staff group during the training?
  • Have we developed a more open working climate where we discuss our practice in an open-minded way?
  • Have we become more eager to experiment with new methods?
  • Have we experienced improvements in the relations between staff members?
  • Have we experienced improvements in the relations between staffs and leader?

The staff group comments and reflects when the leader has finished presenting his or her thoughts.


30 minutes

The instructor gives his or her reflections on the three goals that were set for improving caregiving after answering the Scorecard at the start of the training – for example by reflecting on these questions:

  • Do we observe the effects of our changed child care practices in the form of more secure children? – Examples?
  • Have we acquired a better understanding of care theory and a more professional approach to our work?
  • Have we found a common platform for the values and practices that guide us? Please find examples of what you agree upon now.
  • What changes have we observed in the development of our children? Please find examples of how our development has affected the physical, emotional, social and cognitive development of the children.
  • Which two or three results of our training do we appreciate most? – Why?
  • How do we intend to maintain an open-minded and reflective child care practice?

The staff group and the leader comment and reflect when the instructor has finished presenting his or her thoughts.